Free economic zone «Sughd»
- 12/1/2018
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Free Economic Zone "Sughd" an industrial and innovative type was established in 2009 according to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Sughd FEZ is located in Sughd regionon in the Southwest Industrial Area of Khujand with a total area of 320 hectares. Geological and geodetic surveys were made in this area as well as the design work was carried out. In this part of the city there is a possibility to expand the territory of Sughd FEZ for up to 2,000 hectares of land at the expense of free space in the future.
Choosing a location Sughd FEZ was due to the presence of the industrial and communications infrastructure in this area relatively close proximity of residential areas of Khujand city, the presence of new bridge over Syr-Darya River, and construction of a branch railway to Sughd FEZ in the future.
One of the most important criteria in choosing a site to start a business is the geographical location. Sughd FEZ provides with a favorable site for export-oriented enterprises. Developed transport network system of Khujand provides with a wide range of opportunities for export and trade with near- and far abroad countries. A new transit international highway passes not far from the main FEZ entrance.
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