Heading Towards a Cashless Economy: Innovations - Infrastructure - Inclusion
- 12/17/2018
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To increase the share of cashless settlements, payment system infrastructure development, and creation of positive environment for advanced international practices exchange in the development and implementation of banking services, ensuring public access to financial services and improving the financial literacy of the population through modern innovative technologies International Forum on “Heading Towards a Cashless Economy: Innovations-Infrastructure-Inclusion” will be held on December 6-7, 2018 by the initiative of the National Bank of Tajikistan in cooperation with the World Bank Group / International Financial Corporation (IFC).
“International and domestic experience shows that new digital technologies in the financial and banking sector are most quickly perceived and implemented, motivating and tightening other sectors of economy. The National Bank of Tajikistan, as any Central Bank, considers as priority development of the payment system as a whole, and in every possible way promotes development of clearing settlements in the country, including the growth of remote banking services, payment of goods and services, using the electronic means of payment, growth of payments made in cashless way, development of new technologies in payment sphere, raising public awareness and trust to modern payment services. The efficient work of the country’s payment system is one of the key factors for the dynamic and stable operation of banking system and a national economy as a whole”, - noted Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda, Chairman of NBT regarding importance of cashless settlement in the development of economy.
Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan considers that conducting of the Forum is an important event for the National Bank of Tajikistan and for all banking community which, undoubtedly, contributes to the development and improvement of payment services, will create stimulus for further fruitful work and accordingly, will promote accordingly to increase the share of clearing settlements in payment transactions of the country.
Within the limits of a forum presentations, panel discussions, and round tables for participants concerning modern trends of development of financial electronic digital services, payment system infrastructure and introduction of modern innovative technologies while providing of banking services are planned.
In the work of the International Forum “Heading Towards a Cashless Economy: Innovations-Infrastructure-Inclusion” will participate the representatives of the corresponding Ministries and Agencies, Central Banks of the CIS countries, International Payment Systems "UnionPay", “Master card”, “JCB”, NSPC “MIR”, International and Local Experts, representatives of the international financial institutions, financial credit institutions, mobile network operators.
It is necessary to note that the total of payment cards released by 17 domestic credit institutions to November 1, 2018 makes 1 791 255 units, that in comparison with similar date of the last year is more on 5,3 % (90 548 units). The number of cardholders has reached to 1 763 318, having increased in comparison with the same period of the last year on 5,1 % (85 481 people).
As of November 1, 2018 the number of electronic terminals in republic has made 4 272 units, having increased to corresponding date of the last year for 1 192 units. From total of electronic terminals 1 472 units are placed in the cash provision points and 2 800 units in the points of trade and service delivery that in comparison with the same date of the last year is more on 38,7 %.
As of November 1, 2018 the number of banking accounts opened for clients in the credit institutions, in comparison with the same date of the last year has increased by 1,4 %, having made 3,5 million units.
Press Division NBT