Free Economic Zone of "Dangara"
- 12/1/2018
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The Free Economic Zone of "Dangara" was established in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Free Economic Zones" №.700, 25.03.2011. and approved by the Majlisi namoyandagoni Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan 20.01.2010,№1545 as a separate territory (limited) in Republic of Tajikistan, where functioning a special regime and special preferential terms for investment.
Free economic zone of "Dangara" is located in the jamoat of Lohur district of Dangara. FEZ "Dangara" is an industrial innovation type and was established for a period of 25 (in accordance with the Law "On Free Economic Zones" to 49 years) in a total area of 521.32 hectares.
The main purpose of the creation of FEZ "Dangara" is to ensure effective participation in the development of the economy of the region and the country, increase the export potential of the republic, creation of new work places, international labor distribution, address social and economic priorities of the region, improve the living standards of the population etc.
The general economic goal of the creation of FEZ "Dangara" is to attract domestic and foreign investments, modern technologies in the country's industrial potential, introduce modern management methods, use the potential of jobs and increase the country's natural resources potential.
Geographical position is one of the basic requirements when choosing the right place to start your business. For investors who plan to export their goods and services, the FEZ of «Dangara» is advantageous from the point of view of location. A significant advantage of the Dangara district is the developed transport network with neighboring and far-abroad countries that creates conditions for the export and trade of goods and services. Also, the international highway passes right before the main entrance to the FEZ of Dangara.
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