Free economic zone «Panj»
- 12/1/2018
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Free economic "Panj" was created in 2008 and is considered as a separate territory (limited) of the Republic of Tajikistan, located in the Khatlon region of Kumsangir area, where functioning a special regime and special preferential terms for investment.
FEZ "Panj" is a "complex" type and was created for a period of 25 years (in accordance with the Law "On Free Economic Zones") on the territory of 401.6 hectares.
One of the main objectives of the creation of FEZ "Panj" is to increase the country's export potential, improve the quality of management, improve the efficiency of production of products competitive in the world market and promote international and regional economic relations.
The overall economic goal is to attract domestic and foreign investment and technology, introduce modern management methods, use labor potential, natural resources and increase the country's economic potential.
Geographical position is one of the main requirements when choosing the appropriate place for starting a business. For enterprises whose activities are directed for export, the FEZ "Panj" is an advantageous location. A significant advantage is the developed transport network, which creates conditions for export and trade with foreign countries. The international magisterial runs directly in front of the main entrance to the FEZ "Panj"